Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jing Yi's Campfire Reflection

JingYi's Campfire Reflection on

Bon Voyage
Journey Around the World

The 2nd Campfire of A* Guides that I've attended ! This time Oriole 2nd was in charge of Gateway, while last year we were in charge of fire. The only thing we really had to do was the banner, since the Gateway was going to be done later when the Raffles Scouts could come and help. However, since there were 2 patrols in charge of Gateway, not all were needed to help. In the end, we had to walk around and ask other patrols if they needed help. Mostly, we stayed and helped out at the Structure, Souvenir and P&P Committee. On the day that the Raffles Scouts came and help with the Gateway, I wasn't present since I was helping out at other Patrols.

Before the campfire started, I was one of the few who were ushering the visitors in at the gate. When the campfire was about to start, I had to rush to the hall because I realised that all the other Sec2s involved in the dance had left . However, much to my relief, I realised that the campfire had not started when I arrived at the hall.

The Sec2s dance was not really synchronised . The music had started before we were able to stand at our positions and the timing was way off. However, it was really fun, even though some of us forgot our dance moves, and some of us had to rush the dance moves out to be in time with the music. It was really enjoyable since the audience was really "high" and it allowed me to not feel as stressed about the incorrect timing . The other performances were great! I really enjoyed myself at the campfire this year :D .

-JingYi :D

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