Monday, August 20, 2007

CAMPFIRE 2007 - Joie De Vivre :D

Compare to last year campfirer, this year campfire was really a great one. Every one is very high on that day and I could feel that they had really enjoyed themselves.

But it was little pity that we did not have outdoor campfire because outdoor campfire have more space and we could have the real fire but indoor campfirewas also not bad as we could enjoy the air-conditioner and would notperspire profusely.

We also had enough time for our campfire preparation compared to last yearso we could produce good quality work. Really have to thank Bishan ParkScout for helping the gateway as compare to them we really have lessstrenght to tie the gateway. But I think on the campfire, they behaved a little too enthusiatic cos they did not care about their safety and justrunning around the fire.

About the sec 3 dance, they were really fantastic cos they really dancedvery well. The sec 2 dance compared to them was definitely less interestingbut I had to say that the sec 2 dancers had put in their heart and effortfor this dance. I admited that I danced horribly but I really had done my best!

The Mc should improve on controlling the campfire as the campfire appearedto be a bit out of control as many andersonian were running recklessly around the hall but they also did a good job.

In conclusion, this year campfire was a successful one!

Loo Peng, Swallow 1st

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