Joyce’s reflection.
This is my first annual training camp! At first, I thought it would be very tense and pure torture. However, after experiencing the camp itself, I realised it was far more than that alone.
The first day, when we were assembling to go there, my patrol members told me that Ziyun, our PS is not here, I was quite shocked as our patrol originally had only 3 sec 3s, which was lesser than other patrols, and Ziyun is not here! I wondered if our patrol could still function properly.
As we reached camp Christine, we were supposed to unload the stuff and start pitching our tent. I was not sure of what to do exactly as I sort of forgot about the training we had before that. Many of us are also not quite sure. Eventually, our tent still turned out quite well but we took longer than other patrols. Gadget making was fine. I was a little confused about diagonal lash but the sec 3s were helpful and thought me how to do it.
Night game wasn’t really scary as we were given torchlight at the start. We saw our seniors before they could scare us. The later part made me really scared. I was screaming at every little thing.
The second day, my patrol was supposed to be doing health duty; we are supposed to clean the toilets. I think we did it too slowly that Valerie and Chuyun came to help us. I think we could have worked faster.
The outdoor cooking was not successful as it was raining when we half through. We still managed to do it indoors, but it takes a much longer time there is only one place we can cook and all the patrols had loads of food. I am supposed to chop the charcoal before that. However, I did not know how to as I had never done it before. The seniors are willing to teach me, I had learnt something again.
The campfire was entertaining, the emcees were funny. I had fun learning some songs that was not quite sure, and some that I had not heard before. My patrols performance was not that good as we did not rehearse before that.
The third day, my patrol was supposed to do cooks duty and we should report at 6 am. However, my whole patrol overslept until about 6. 20 am. I think all of us were too tired. Furthermore, none of us had a alarm watch. ( I do, but I had no idea how to use..). We started cooking late and missed PT in the morning. We still managed to prepare the breakfast in time.
The games for all days were very fun and I really enjoyed them.(Although some were disgusting). The games helped us build up our teamwork and learn to cooperate, such as the sandwich making game, we did not pass our foodstuff well and the food keep dropping. Thinking of eating them after that sort of freak me out. My team although not the fastest in passing, finished eating the sandwich first! The flour game (gummy one) made my face very floury, in addition, the second flour game made me choked on flour and I felt like vomiting, so then I did not blow as hard. The one where we were supposed to act handicapped tested our first aid skills and our teamwork. I was not confident with myself in walking blindfolded, I found it hard to trust others at first as I am very unsure. My patrol was willing to wait for me.
Time passes very quickly in the camp, soon, it was out third day and we are able to go home already. We are supposed to announce our Manito. Mine is huiling. I am Yee Ru’s Manito. I was suspecting that it was her from the note she wrote to me.
My patrol won the “Best Patrol”, I was very shocked. I am proud of my patrol. WITTIES!!
That’s all for me.
Outwit. Outlast. Outshine.
That’s all for me.
Outwit. Outlast. Outshine.
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