Thursday, March 20, 2008

Di Meng's Reflection

Generally i think the camp was a success , except for the rain. It was not as tough as i thought i will be. Everything is okay. The games were very fun. But a bit disgusting about the part where we had to eat the sandwich we passed using our body parts. Like the night game and the waterbomb too.

I enjoyed the campfire too. Had a good time playing the games huixin mdm taught us. *tingtingting ahgu!*

Some things i dreaded is waking up early in the morning. And the thousands of ants whenever theres the presence of food. The ant bites were painful.

The food was tasty too. Thanks to the cooks

Our patrol did a good job , considering the absence of ziyun and only two sec 3s . Had a good time doing things together. We always helped each other out and we were always laughing. I guessed the game bonded us.

And we won the " best patrol" award , yeah ! Big thanks to Junying , Haisy , Finn , Qianci and Joyce for being such a good company! :DD

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