Friday, March 21, 2008

Huixin's reflection

Anderson Clover Guides Annual Training Camp 2008
10th – 12th March 2008
Outwit, Outlast, Outshine

With every training camp I attend, it came with different challenges and this year was a little heavier, without any teacher with us. It only meant that I had to be responsible and take care of the girls’ safety. It doesn’t help when I had a couple of them having medical problems. Of which, the two with low blood count were especially difficult, considering that the nearest hospital is also pretty far from Camp Christine.

For the first time in many years at annual training camp, I had to deal with a case of homesick, right smack on the first night. I’m glad she made it through the camp. I had to apologize for not being as patient as I should in convincing her that the camp was worth staying. But it was only then, I saw the sisters’ bond shinning when her friends came to talk to her. The support and warmth that they gave was keeping the cold and heartless rain away.

Although it was raining a little too much, it was still a pleasant feeling to be back at Camp Christine. I grew with every event there, and it is one place which hasn’t changed much over the past decade; except Uncle Ghaz seemed to shed some weight. Aunty Mariam still cooks nice Nasi Lemak (especially the chili!). In the midst all the insects, frogs and dogs, it’s really this serenity and the feeling away from the city which give me the opportunity to take a break and reflect upon the fast paced life. Even before I realized, I’m almost done with de 2nd year in uni. It is also here where I see the strongest sisterhood displaying, helping one another through chores and difficult times.

This spirit was evidently present at this camp. I’m so glad all of them enjoyed the company of the patrol despite us trying our best to break them away from their usual cliques. They did especially well in the games that required the team to work together, and also at their patrol duties. I have to say, I’m impressed. And the sight of you girls sharing the sandwich was especially heartening, I extolled those who voluntarily took big bites and said, ‘it’s ok, this is camp!’ (: And also at the night game, when you girls held one another through the stations. As what I told the girls, all of us went there with a fear and I’m glad we all managed to suffice that expectation pinned on us. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder, congratulation, you girls had outwitted, outlasted and indeed, outshone.

To the leaders (Ying Chyi, Yun Hui, Kelly, Jia Hui, Germaine, Jing Qui included) who have painstakingly planned the entire camp, with some fifty odd pages of proposal, the many sleepless nights, the reprimand you got from me, being caught in situations between the girls and authorities … … the list would take a long while I hope you girls have grown through this and some lessons to last you a lifetime. Of it all, I hope you learn that, to be a leader, you need to think on your feet, to bring out the good and forget the bad in your followers, to be self-sacrificial and more than often, to put your follower before yourself. Naf, I appreciate that email that you sent after the camp. Some small gestures can go a long way. You will know what I meant when you read about the girls’ reflection and you see a ‘thank you’ note, even it just a tiny little part. And I’m really so proud that you were so ‘knowledgeable’ that you could answer what my friend asked, about hyperventilation and asthma, bee stings, etc. Although it was a small little incident, it made me so proud. HAHAHAHA! And also to behave in front of the heads from HQ, even uncle Ghaz and Mrs Alsagoff praised us! *beaming!*
(This is beside the point, but you girls looked horrible with ‘peeling skin’, for goodness sake, you sun tan lotion next time!)

To my ex-girls who came back to help, words aren’t enough to thank you. Especially Hui Ying, it’s nice to see you again, some sisterhoods, I hope will last a lifetime. The J1s had really came back to set a role model to our fellow guides, of what the true spirit of guiding is all about, beyond the awards and hierarchy. That’s the A-guides spirit.

All in all, I had all of you had a great time at the camp and brought back a unique A-guides training camp experience.

yours in guiding

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