Monday, March 19, 2007

Huixin's Camp Reflection

Anderson Clover Guides Annual Training Camp
Venture for Challenge
14th – 16th March 2007
Camp Christine

As the Sun set beneath the dark clouds in the evening, I was engulfed with much disappointment. It was day 1 of camp and the girls’ performance was far from satisfaction. I only arrived at Camp Christine at 3 pm and to see that they were barely done with gadgets when they were to have started on Initiative Games. I was furious. Subsequently, the weather turned on us making us helpless, not knowing what to do with the girls. When I upload the pictures, then you will be able to see for yourself the ‘illegal immigrants’ at Camp Christine.

The many exciting games that the leaders had painstakingly mapped out could not be put into action. Dinner had to be prepared indoor and could not be done under the kitchen shelter, not to mention that it was flooded and the charcoal wood were wet. We had dinner inside the lodge and the constant delay made time a constraint for us to proceed. The rain had also made the girls shivered and felt unwell. I blew my top at them because I got frustrated. I think I ought to apologize for that. I’m sorry I had made them felt helpless and the wait before we could proceed with the next activity. There were things that we need to consider and their safety is my top priority. At the same time, I hope the girls have a memorable and unique experience. I wanted them to move away from the straight and brightly lit path and take the alternative route, though steep and dark. I am glad the girls eventually brought themselves through and came back unscathed and really enjoyed themselves. I hope they had good close contact with the beauty of nature at night and conquer some fear of the darkness. I had a nice talk with the other girls who were unwell for the walk and I appreciated their forthcoming. There were things which I did not know. They made me look at it from another point of view, e.g. not everyone is comfortable with speaking in front of a big group, not everyone share the same passion I have for guiding, and not everyone’s guiding journey has been a smooth-sailing one.

And because of time constraint, we did not play the ‘candle game’. Had COH and they went back to their tents shortly. We continued talking and my dearest evil juniors insisted on having sentry duty although they were so tired and could barely keep themselves awake. So I had to ORDER them that we should do without sentry and mid-night PT and wake them up at 5.30pm. We went to sleep at 4pm but Wei Ching was too high to sleep, and she had to disturb all of us! It was quite funny actually. For these little things, I am always grateful for these sisters in guiding.

And leaders were on task. They woke up at 5.30pm and got everyone up for PT. and I think the girls should be thankful. For every PT you did, I assure you that the leaders who punish you went through as much if not more. I am sure you can see for yourself the mud on the back of their shirts.

The day’s activity went on fine until the rain which made us stopped what we were doing. But the thunderstorm made my girls and I see for ourselves how good and efficient we can be. In less than ten minutes, the girls brought down colors, the tent walls and tent doors, their towels on the clotheslines, folded the ground sheet and got their ponchos. Thank you for showing me that you girls are still up to it! The Outdoor Cooking was pretty good and the Chicken were so nicely done – the ‘chicken rice’ chicken, the black chicken, the carcinogenic chicken, the ‘chicken runaway’ and the ‘chicken little’. The evening duty took a little longer than it should because the orderlies mixed up the Muslim plates and utensils. Consequently, the campfire and night game was held back. The night game was quite a disappointment. I should have worked on the flow of events before they got it carried out. For those of you who backed out, I hope you could have a little more trust in your sister guides that they will be with you through whatever fear you may have. Never give quitting an option to stop you from moving forward. For those who brought yourself through shivering, congratulation on conquering you fear. See, you can do it too! And for the brave ones, thank you for the constant support you gave to you fellow guides.

Clearing up was alright on day 3 considering that everyone was already reaching their limits. Striking tent was yet another amazing feat performed by the Anderson Clover Guides. We brought down six tents in 30 minutes and got everything back into the shed in less than an hour. Well done, girls! And for the feedback that the sec 3s had given, we will look through it meticulously and put together a team of efficient leaders among you. Remember what I said, ‘A good leader is a good follower, and needs good followers.’ Whoever you may be, I sincerely hope that you can put aside your differences and work towards a common goal. When Lord Baden Powell started Guiding, there was no CL, ACL, PL, PS, etc. Every guide was a leader; every one of you is a leader.

Anderson Clover Guides Annual Training Camp 2007 has then come to a conclusion, drawing to resounding success. Each and every one of you had contributed to its success.

It would not have been possible for:
Mrs Ong Wan Ying who stayed through the camp despite having BTC the day before.
Mdm Lidia who were always ready to help despite carrying the baby boy and having tons of work.
Mrs Linda Chua for her constant support.
Sec 4s who had scrupulously planned and conducted the camp. (Yes, 40+ pages of proposal, not to mention camp tee design, programme booklets, consent forms, etc. You can ask from me if you want to take a look!)
The Young Adults – Huiying, Zhiyan, Wei Xin, Wei Ching and Cai Ping who spared three days of their holiday to render their help and share with A-guides their experiences.

I went to bed that night (at 2am after submitting my report) having much gratitude, for being blessed with a wonderful family of guides whom I know where my passion, my pride and my love lie. People around me always wonder why I kept coming back for guides despite having moved on many years ago. For the smiles that I see on your faces, for the lives I have left an impact, for giving you any less an experience of guiding that you deserve … it kept me goin.

Here, I’m done with my reflection and I look forward to yours. To you who hear me say this, I’m going to repeat myself. (yes, I’m getting OLD!) At the end of the day, you only need to answer to yourself for what you have done. How much reflection to do show how much you effort you have put in and how much you have learned.

yours in guiding,

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