Monday, June 26, 2006

This year’s campfire would be an unforgettable one for me. This was when I would call it my campfire. It does not mean that the previous campfires were not but this year it was the sec3s turn to take over the baton and run the campfire and this time, it was our turn to be in-charge.

I would say that this campfire had many learning points for me to look into, especially when the leaders just took over and we’re still very blur about many things. Then we were told to do up a campfire and I felt it was like whoa! Go and do it. And we actually rushed out the campfire in a matter of one or one and a half month? I’m not sure. But there were a couple of things that I had to take note of and one of it would be meeting the deadline. It was pretty bad at the start when we had to send out the invitations and the replies were coming in slow thus we could not confirm the schools. Another school even informed us that they suddenly could not make it like only one day before the campfire. Another thing was work distribution. When the whole patrol was not needed to do/ finish up the remaining work, we should deploy people to help out in other patrols that need more manpower like gateway etc.

Next about the various committees. Well I must say that we’re still green about many things especially the sec1s as it’s their first experience of a campfire preparation. R&R committee was on task, though there were some problems with the invitation at first but we settled them in the end, thus their main preparation was to get ready the deco materials in canteen and also to do up the refreshment and reception table. Their work started on the day of the campfire itself where they had to set up the stuffs they done and get ready the refreshments. We overlooked the fact that the people would be so thirsty after screaming their selves hoarse at the campfire thus there were not enough cups.

Fire committee preparation had changed this year and we did not season the wood anymore. Well the pit for the fire was too low thus might be hazardous to the ground. Another thing to note is that during the campfire, the firewood should be fed regularly and do not throw the firewood onto the fire. One, the firewood may bounce out and burn you. Two, the firewood may bounce out and burn the ground the school loves. Also fire committee shcommittee should guard the fire whenever necessary. I’m not sure if the sec2s know but I do apologize that we didn’t teach you how to tip the firewood into the fire.


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